Abstract Paintings 2015-2017. Selected works

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Entropy, 2017, oil on canvas

Everything in the universe eventually moves from order to disorder. Entropy is a measurement of that change and a possible explanation of why time only runs forward. This painting is a visual representation of this notion.

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Space-Time, 2017, oil on canvas

“Where” and “when” merged together create a fascinating concept of space-time that is forever elusive yet endlessly fascinating.

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Umwelt, 2017, oil and acrylic on canvas

“Umwelt” is a reality perceived by an individual based on his/her environment. Also this idea emphasizes the fact that our knowledge is indeed limited and the unimagined possibilities are somewhere beyond our reach.

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North of the North, 2016, acrylic on canvas

Inspired by Icelandic summers when the sky is that bright bluish-grey color and when you are simultaneously asleep and awake.

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Infinite Dreams, 2016, acrylic on canvas

When the night never begins and the day never ends, you’re forced to live in a dream. This is another painting created during Icelandic summer.

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Dystopia, 2016, acrylic on canvas paper, 18” × 24” (45.7 × 61 cm)

Washed out image of the distant future. The painting is seemingly “out of focus”, but if you look at it for some time it will reveal the unexpected… The future will always be the way you see it.

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PrePost-Dystopia, 2016, acrylic on canvas paper, 18” × 24” (45.7 × 61 cm)

Washed out and slowly disappearing (or perhaps reappearing) image of the distant future. How can something infinitely uncertain be so inevitable...?

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Chaos on paper, 2016, acrylic on canvas paper, 18” × 24” (45.7 × 61 cm)

Early attempts to get to the bottom of it.

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Unconformable shapes, 2015, acrylic on canvas paper, 18”× 24” (45.7 × 61 cm)

These unruly shapes refused to create an appealing composition. So I just let them be.